Saturday, March 1, 2008


goodbye, i am leaving civilization for the next few dadys, going camping. not that it will effect this blog much, since i am not very good at keeping up with posts. anyway, i would like to direct those of you are interested and.or 'twilight' fans to go to stephenie meyer's web page, she has linked up an interview with the actress who is playing victoria, the flaming haired vampire mate of james. the interview is done my mtv movie revoews, and i was very glad to see her obvoius entusiam for her upcoming role. it is a comfort to know that one of my favortite books is in good hands over yonder in hollywood. so follow the link
and you will see the link to the interview.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

to all the Twilight fans

go to
it has been updated. the official release for the fourth and final book about our beloved edward and bella is August 2, 2008. oh the excitment!!! now i have a reason to live!!! okay, well i'm not that obsessed... well maybe i am... but whatever, i bet i'm not the only one!! also alarming and suspenceful updates on the twilight movie page, there has been an interview with kristen stewart about her role as bella swan in the upcoming twilight movie, now set to premiere in december of 2008. if you haven't read any of stephenie meyer's amazing trilogy it is a must read!!!! the order is as follows; Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and coming soon Breaking Dawn.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I found a PEEPS calendar!!

No joke, I go in to Barnes and Noble after Christmas to spend a gift card i had received and after selecting Libba Bray's newest book The Sweet Far Thing the third and final book in the Gemma Doyle series (excellent, on my list of favorites) and two Sarah Dessen novels (Someone Like You, and Keeping the Moon, both great), and already exceeded my monetary gift card limit I stumbled upon it. There it was a shining beacon of cellophane- organizationtastic-50% off glory. Its cover had glittery PEEPS on it. I couldn't resist, it is hanging on my wall now. All these pictures of little PEEP bunnies and pastel colored baby chickens(...think back, children's farm book, read it somewhere, oh yeah, chicks) touring the Great Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa, London, etc. reminded me off something. After a few minutes of thought I remembered that I had started a blog about a while back. This is how i remembered to set up a new post. Sorry that i forgot you! And one of my New Year's resolutions is to dedicate myself to upkeeping this blog better, and providing book lists and reviews for all those who are in need of book advice! (lets hope that i stick to this one)(hey! i heard that!)(sorry)
Yep, now i'm tlking to myself. Well, i am probably talking to myself anywhoo. And i have come to find that writing to one's self is a bit more insane than talking to one's self. YOu are more likely to talk longer and ramble. Unless that's just me, which is possible, i mean i ramble a lot, like a ton, like now, well I'm going to stop now.