Saturday, October 6, 2007

1st (day) Birthday!!! Aww, isn't it cute?

yes, i know what your thinking (mindreading is one of my many talents, but you already knew that because if your reading my blog you are one of my close peeps), "isn't this a marvelous blog, and aren't you just awesome Jane, i can't believe that this hasn't been here all my life!" well as correct as you are, dear reader, this is actually only the second post. they grow up sooo fast (sniffle, yes thank you for the tissue). though really yesterday's post i meant to redo and make another first one, it seemed like it would be way more fun to have a birthday party, so as your presents i'm giving you.....
motorcycles!!!! (what an appropriate gift for a two day old)
remember to wear your helmet (aren't they just adorable?)
much love,


Black Belt said...

hey jane i like your new blog maybe you could find christmas peeps for winter or just make some puffy coats for them.

Jane Austen said...

Thanks much for your suggestions kind reader, (any suggestions for what material the parkas could be made out of?)
Sincerly Yours,

p.s. are those your brown converses by the pet gate or mine? i think i left mine in my room, but i just spotted those, or wait maybe they are your old ones...

Navi said...

What I want to know is where do you get these pics... I mean do you just decide one day that since you had some extra barbie motorcycles you wanted to put your peeps on them!?